VM and VSE systems deprecated from V9 Configuration Assistant, what are alternatives ?
(too old to reply)
2007-10-29 18:19:31 UTC
Apparently someone decided VM and VSE systems weren't sufficiently important to include in the list of "Other Systems" that could be specified and identified in the DB2/UBD V9.1 graphical Configuration Assistant to enable connectivity between DB2/UDB and those particular versions of DB2, i.e. VM and VSE.

I am evaluating DB2/UDB V9.1 and need to create the necessary connections between my current DB2/VM - V7.4 Server - and this trial DB2/UDB V9.1. I did this successfully using Configuration Assistant in an earlier Trial Edition of DB2/UDB, possibly 8.2 or 9.0.

What alternative mechanism do I use to accomplish this? Where do I find this alternative mechanism documented?

Thanks in advance to any and all able to provide insight.
2007-10-30 06:47:58 UTC
You can enable connectivity by cataloging the VM server from UDB CLP. It can be done in following fashion

1- db2 catalog tcpip node <node-name> remote <server-ip add> server <port no>
e.g. db2 catalog tcpip node mynode remote 9.99.999.99 server 8100

2- db2 catalog db <db-name> as <db-name> at node <node-name> authentication dcs

db2 catalog db vmdb1 as vmdb1 at node mynode authentication dcs

3- db2 catalog dcs db <db-name> as <db-name>

db2 catalog dcs db vmdb1 as vmdb1

Note: If you issue above command from inside the DB2 commnad prompt, you need not to insert "db2" before every command.
db2 => catalog dcs db vmdb1 as vmdb1

2007-10-30 14:19:12 UTC
Thank you, Meharban!
2007-10-30 12:24:57 UTC
Following steps in the db2 CLP window should configure the DB2VM or DB2VSE db

step 1: db2 catalog tcpip node <vmnode> remote <ip-address> server <portnumber>
where <vmnode> is any user-defined name
<ip-address> is the ip-address of the remote VSE or VM DB2 Server
<portnumber> is the listening port of the server
step 2: db2 catalog db <VMDBNAME> as vmdb at node vmnode authentication server
where <VMDBNAME> is the DBNAME as it appears in the SHOW INITPARM
<vmdb> is any user-defined name
<vmnode> is the name that was specified in step 1

To test we can issue db2 connect to <vmdb> user <db2vmusr> using <db2vmpwd>
where <vmdb> is the name that was specified in step 2
<db2vmusr> is a valid user id that exists in DB2 for VSE or VM.
<db2vmpwd> is the password for this user ID.

Gopikrishnan V
DB2 Server for VSE and VM Development and Support
email: ***@ca.ibm.com
2007-10-30 14:20:01 UTC
Thank you, Gopi!
Richard Lyko
2007-10-31 00:34:17 UTC
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Richard Lyko
2007-11-03 15:13:55 UTC
It occurred to me after my last note that you are probably using the SEARCH
THE NETWORK option of the Configuration Assistant. I usually use the
MANUALLY CONFIGURE option. For that option you need only the IP address of
your mainframe server (which you enter as the host name) and the port
