Unable to connect DB2 via db2cc
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2007-09-28 07:14:15 UTC
Hi, I had install db2 8.1 fixpak 8 with AIX 5.3
I manage to start the db2admin, but when I try to add new instances by using the discover mode, an SQL22205C error message occur.

I check on db2dasdiag.log, it show the following lines:

2007-08-27- I4129C247 LEVEL: Error
PID : 1380474 TID : 1566
FUNCTION: DB2 Tools, DB2 administration server, exitDAS, probe:100
DATA #1 : String, 47 bytes
DB2 Administration Server stopped successfully.

2007-08-27- I4377C244 LEVEL: Error
PID : 1335462 TID : 1
FUNCTION: DB2 Tools, DB2 administration server, rrm_main, probe:20
DATA #1 : String, 47 bytes
DB2 Administration Server started successfully.

2007-08-27- I4622C355 LEVEL: Error
PID : 1335462 TID : 1546
FUNCTION: DB2 Tools, DB2 administration server, db2dasGetInstanceInfo, probe:10
DATA #1 : String, 79 bytes
Warning: DB2 instance db2inst1 is not enabled for DAS multiple release support.
DATA #2 : String, 35 bytes

2007-08-27- I4978C210 LEVEL: Error
PID : 1376350 TID : 1
FUNCTION: DB2 Tools, DB2 administration server, db2dasOneTimeOnly, probe:30
DATA #1 : Sint32, 4 bytes

2007-08-27- I5189C278 LEVEL: Error
PID : 1376350 TID : 1
FUNCTION: DB2 Tools, DB2 administration server, dasCoreStmLauncher_main, probe:60
DATA #1 : String, 66 bytes
Error: db2dasstml encountered an internal error. Error code -7033.

2007-08-27- I5468C205 LEVEL: Error
PID : 1335462 TID : 1546
FUNCTION: DB2 Tools, DB2 administration server, createSession, probe:30
DATA #1 : Sint32, 4 bytes

2007-08-27- I5674C212 LEVEL: Error
PID : 1335462 TID : 1546
FUNCTION: DB2 Tools, DB2 administration server, handleStmRequest, probe:90
DATA #1 : Sint32, 4 bytes

2007-08-27- I5887C213 LEVEL: Error
PID : 1335462 TID : 1546
FUNCTION: DB2 Tools, DB2 administration server, handleStmRequest, probe:150
DATA #1 : Sint32, 4 bytes

2007-08-27- I6101C215 LEVEL: Error
PID : 1364190 TID : 258
FUNCTION: DB2 Tools, DB2 administration server, db2dasKnownDscv, probe:40
DATA #1 : Uint32, 4 bytes


I also check with db2set, there is only 1 instance exists which is db2inst3, I wondering why the system still request for old instance db2inst1. I also try to drop the das and re-create again, the same error occur.
Can somebody help me on this.

2007-10-11 19:22:31 UTC
Please, access http://www-1.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=71&context=SSEPGG&dc=DB520&uid=swg21231498&loc=en_US&cs=UTF-8&lang=en&rss=ct71db2