Active Log Directory full
(too old to reply)
2007-10-29 10:50:13 UTC
My production database has following DB para set :

logretain : on
Active log directory : /database/db2inst1/NODE0000/SQL00001/SQLOGDIR
Userexit : off
logarchmeth1 : logretain
logarchmeth1 :Off

Applications are connected to database and the active log directory became full (i.e. no space on the path).

What is the best possible way to handle the situation ?

Thanks and regards,

2007-10-29 11:59:32 UTC
Increase the number of LOGPRIMARY or LOGSECOND parameter in the data base configuration.
Thomas Ritter
2007-10-29 12:27:28 UTC

depending on your needs you have some opportunities:

1) If you don't need the logs prior the first active log for recovery, just delete them in a regular basis.
2) Increase the size of the file system where the active logs are stored.
3) My favorit: Archive the logs to a different location.
The advantage is that DB2 deletes (re-use) a log, if it was archived successfully and if it is no longer needed for a crash recovery. Further, archived logs can also be used for a forward recovery of a database which was restored from a valid backup image.
The log archive locations DB2 offers are the following:
- tape
- file system
- Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM)
- third party vendor storage

Mark A
2007-10-29 12:31:07 UTC
Post by g***@yahoo.com
logretain : on
Active log directory : /database/db2inst1/NODE0000/SQL00001/SQLOGDIR
Userexit : off
logarchmeth1 : logretain
logarchmeth1 :Off
Applications are connected to database and the active log directory became
full (i.e. no space on the path).
What is the best possible way to handle the situation ?
Thanks and regards,
db2 update db cfg using logarchmeth1 DISK:/<path>
where <path> is a different mount point that has space

Then do:
db2 force application all
to disconnect everyone to have above setting activated again (when users
logon again)
