ADM10502W attention message from Health Center: Automated backup failed
(too old to reply)
2007-08-27 20:13:20 UTC
Regarding a message:

ADM10502W Health indicator "Database Backup Required" ("db.db_backup_req") is in state "Automated backup failed" on "database" "db2inst2.WAREHOUS".

Is there any place I can look up to find out just why this automated backup failed?

2007-08-28 21:54:24 UTC
Post by b***@uiowa.edu
ADM10502W Health indicator "Database Backup Required" ("db.db_backup_req") is in state "Automated backup failed" on "database" "db2inst2.WAREHOUS".
Is there any place I can look up to find out just why this automated backup failed?
I would look in the recovery history.

db2 "list history backup since 20070820 for yourdb"
Michael Knauth
2007-09-17 23:19:35 UTC
I'm getting the same error. I have a number of databases on a DB2 instance, each of which is configured to backup via Automatic Maintenance. For the majority of the databases, this works fine. However, I have three databases where the backup fails with the error:

ADM10502W Health indicator "Database Backup Required" ("db.db_backup_req") is
in state "Automated backup failed" on "database" "inst.dbname"

I have run the DB2 list command to see when the last backups ran and to get any feedback from failures, but the only items that are listed are those backup tasks that have been run manually.

Does anyone have an idea about why the automatic backups are failing, or where further information about the failures can be found?